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B3Networks Academy Updates

Dear B3Networks Valued Partners,

February is here, and with the aim of delivering consistently a high quality of products and services to our customers. We at B3Networks have some brand new and exciting updates to our apps and solutions to share with you all.

So let's dive right into, what we brought you all this month.


License Model





Call Recording Disrupted Indicator

This new feature is pretty exciting for the Phone System Users as well as for our partners that are using the Contact Center Solution. If a call recording file is incomplete due to the disruption caused by any technical issue, there will be an error icon (with a pop-up note) beside the download icon to indicate a disrupted call recording file.

But this option will still allow the user to play and/or download the call recording file, if they have been granted the required permission to do so.


Removal of 'Gear' Icon - Settings in CPaaS Portal

We will be removing the 'Gear' icon used for settings in the CPaaS Portal from the 15th of March 2023. All the features in the 'Gear' icon will be moved to the new icons and pages accordingly (as illustrated in the picture below). Now the users who wish to customize their Phone System Settings or Auto Attendant Settings will have to click on the relevant icon or navigate to the relevant section to do so.

Users will require proper permissions to access the Phone System and Auto Attendant. For more details on the permission settings, Click Here.




Portal Settings - Keyword Blacklist

For our Partners who are using the OSS/BSS Platform Apps, under the Portal Settings App and in the Portal Config tab, they can now enable and add keywords in the blacklist field to customize their SMS keywords blacklist. Outbound SMS containing the keywords in the blacklist will be blocked from being sent out.

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