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B3Networks Academy Service Updates

Dear B3Networks Valued Partners,

Our team has been hard at work all of April to bring to life some of the exciting features on our platform. Here's a quick rundown of all the cool stuff we've done for you all lately.

What's new in our Products?



Caller ID for Transferring and Forwarding

In order to support a better professional scenario, our team now added the options for selecting Caller ID when transferring and forwarding.

You now can select which Caller ID to display on the receiver’s phone as below:

Transferring Call:


  • User Extension Number

  • Original Caller Number


  • Assigned Caller ID

  • Original Caller Number

Forwarding Call:


Manage Organization

Member - Reactivate Suspended Members

When your members are suspended because one of the following reasons:

  • Consecutive failed login attempts

  • Accidentally suspended by the Owner or Admins of the Domain

You can reactivate your members by following the steps below:

  1. Go to the Manage Organization, choose the Members tab

  2. Find the User who is suspended

  3. At the Account Info - Status section, choose to Reactivate

  4. Confirm


Portal Settings

Portal Config - Inbound and Outbound Rules

Previously, when creating a new account, the end-user has to set up everything from the beginning including creating new Bizphone Extensions and adding Inbound and Outbound Rules to be able to receive or make calls.

Standing on the customer point of view, we decided to release the feature that allows the Domain Owner and Admins to set the default Inbound and Outbound Rules for all of the organizations under the domain.

In this way, the end customer can immediately use the Bizphone after creating the extension.

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